03 June

Yerevan's New Multifunctional Center

Yerevan's New Multifunctional Center

The new multifunctional center in Yerevan, designed by “Ithaka 999” LLC, is set to transform urban living with its innovative architectural design. This center will merge shopping, entertainment, business, recreation, and gastronomy into a single, vibrant space.


Design and Architecture


The center's design, aligned with Yerevan's Northern axis, utilizes modern parametric architecture, allowing for complex geometries and a seamless shell structure. The architecture draws inspiration from the Armenian “vishap” (dragon), symbolizing cultural heritage. Advanced modeling and building technologies ensure both aesthetic appeal and structural integrity.

Armenian vishap stone (dragon stone) - Bronze age megalithic monument connected with worship of water, typical for Armenian highland: bronze age

Armenian vishap stone (dragon stone) - Bronze age megalithic monument connected with worship of water, typical for Armenian highland: bronze age

Accessibility and Social Interaction


The layout of the center includes multiple entrances and garden areas, promoting accessibility and social interaction. The existing reinforced-concrete frame will be upgraded with lightweight aluminum composites, enhancing durability and visual impact.


Architectural and Engineering Team


The project is led by Dr. Prof. Telemak Alberti Ananyan, with significant contributions from:


Authors: Dr. Prof. Telemak Alberti Ananyan and M. Arch. Hayk Babken Martirosyan

Architects: M. Arch. Hayk Babken Martirosyan, B. Arch. Isabella Igori Harutyunyan

Architectural Assistants and Interns: M. Arch. Armen Hyusisyan, B. Arch. Monica Babajanyan, M. Arch. Inessa Karamyan, M. Arch. Mane Khachatryan, M. Arch. Milena Banayan

3D Modeling and Parametric Script: M. Arch. Hayk Babkeni Martirosyan, M. Arch. Martina Jovani Rothilo, M. Arch. Daniele Burrascano, B. Arch. Isabella Igori Harutyunyan, M. Arch. Nver Muradyan, B. Arch. Monica Babajanyan

Structural and Mechanical Engineering

Chief Project Structural Engineers: Dipl. Eng. Karen Mkrdchyan, Dr. Eng. Hrachya Harutyunyan, Dipl. Eng. Vaspurak Karapetyan

Chief Project Mechanical Engineers: Dipl. Eng. Gagik Simonyan, M. Eng. Vlad Matosyan (HVAC & WS), M. Eng. Grigor Avetisyan


Additional Contributions

Power Supply Engineers: Dipl. Eng. Sashik Tunyan, Dipl. Engl. Samvel Harutyunyan, Dipl. Eng. Aram Hayrumyan

Construction Organization: Dipl. Eng. Armine Ghulyan

Emergency and Civil Protection: Dipl. Eng. Artur Muradyan

Estimates: Dipl. Eng. Sonya Babayan



This multifunctional center is expected to become a landmark of innovation and urban development in Yerevan, fostering social and cultural engagement and enhancing the city's urban life.

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